Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Wow! What is with the plague that is sweeping over the city! Last week, church looked almost bare and I couldn't go to work this week because they are all sick. I heard a lady at the gym say that there were 17 kids from her son's fourth grade class out sick yesterday. I have to get on a little soapbox for just a minute. If your kids are sick....don't take them to church, don't send them to school and don't even take them to Target with you for, 'just a minute'!!! This is how it keeps spreading!!! I just don't see how moms don't 'get' that this is how their child got sick in the first place. The only place you should be taking them is to the doctor!!! When your child is sick...life does not go on as normal. Cancel plans, make some changes in your schedule. However, if your child is sick...I do hope that they get feeling better very soon. It is just scary how contagious this thing is. Very thankfully, we have not gotten sick....yet!


Anonymous said...

I was in a store last week and all the employees were talking about how sick they had been and who was out - I didn't touch anything and left as soon as possible! The emergency rooms here are packed full of flu patients. Hope you all stay well!

Tammy said...

Amen sister!! Don't think it has gotten that bad down here yet and hope it won't! Just reading someone else's blog this morning about Lysoling toys, etc. at school and at church (where it tends to not happen as much) and keeping kids home when sick. I don't understand how people can drag their kids around knowing they don't feel good!

Elizabeth Johnston said...

PREACH IT SISTER!!! Now, if everyone will just listen to you!