Thursday, September 13, 2007

Game Night!!!

Sadly, family nights at the Wakefield home are very few and far between. The other night, we managed, all five of us, to fit one into the schedule. It is sad that this is the way it is...but it is. Anyway, you can see us here, enjoying a game of Monopoly Junior. This is really a fun game. Well, I don't know if it is just my competitive nature and that any game is fun to me, or if it is actually that Monopoly Jr. is just a great game. Whatever the reason, I always enjoy a good game with the kids. You can see here that I am doing quite well with the property I have chosen to place my lemonade stands domination. Not that I am too hard on James and Anna......they win sometimes!!! I do have to add that I did go on to win the game....not that it matters!!! I know, it is sad, isn't it? Well, how else are they going to learn?


Kelly said...

Hey Liz,
I LOOOVE a game of Monopoly - Junior or other wise. I was thinking about getting Candyland soon.

Leslie P. said...

I have played Monopoly with the Wakefield kids on a number of occasions! They are good at the game! You have the cutest kids Liz! Love you!

Elizabeth Johnston said...

You are so FUNNY and your kids are so cute!! I wish I could have been there to compete with you!! I, too, love a challenge!