Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Matching Shirts!

There is only one time during the year where the whole family looks so cute in our matching shirts. Yep, Vacation Bible School!!! Yes, even Brian was donning a purple shirt this week, but as you can see He did NOT want to document the occasion. VBS went great as usual. I taught the 2 year-old class....again. I love the little guys, but teaching that age is just not my forte! Anyway, we did make it through and I am looking forward to next year....when I can give some good advice to the next 2 year-old teacher...because it won't be me!!!!! O.K., it might...because I have a problem with not being able to say no!!!!!


Leah said...

Cute, cute, cute!

Kristi said...

You know, after talking to others, I thought it might be too time consuming. I have since thought of starting an informal embroidery group, but the crazy summer has gotten away from me again...