Monday, August 27, 2007

It's that time again

Yes, it is that time again. That exciting time that so many of us have looked forward to for so long. We wait patiently as that circled day on the calendar draws closer, and can only imagine how it is going to turn out. People come from miles around. We get that nervous knot in our stomachs and try to remember that it is not that important and that we won't cry if things don't work out the way we want them to. You have probably guessed by now, that I am talking about.....the kid's consignment sale!!! I guess you wouldn't understand if you aren't a mom. Getting good deals is a big deal!! I guess "that time again" could also mean one more thing..... waaaaaaarrrrrrr eagle!!!


Leslie said...

We can't wait!!! I have a lot of shopping to do. Grant does not have a winter wardrobe. I am hoping to find many good deals!

Leah said...

Me too!! Can't wait!!

Leslie P. said...

I know nothig about Kids consignment shopping but I do know a thing or two about Auburn Football! War Eagle Liz!

Kristi said...

I'm with you - can't wait for CCE and Auburn football! War Eagle!

Matthew said...

Yea, a friend of mine told me talk she made 168 on stuff she would have just given away. That is nice.