This evening, our family started something new and I hope it will become a family tradition. We decided that since we will be going out of town for Thanksgiving and will SURELY be in the holiday spirit when we return home, I decided I would like to have the house already decorated for Christmas. We started by going out as a family and letting the kids pick out their own decoration. They each picked a little nutcracker and they are absolutely adorable.( I love it when they pick something that I would have picked....alright, there might have been a little encouragement in the favor of the adorable nutcrackers, but can you blame me?) I picked out the cutest metal houses that hold a tea light. Anyway, after our shopping trip, we came back home and had supper and hot chocolate together. I could not find my Christmas CDs so I turned to the "Sounds of the Season" channel of TV. (we later found that I had "cleverly" packed them away with the Christmas decor) I love this channel by the way. So cool!!! We went on to decorate everything except for the tree. I just have to have a real one and therefore the tree will have to wait to be picked out until our return.....shortly, of course, after our return. It has been a fun family evening and I hope my family will remember it as fondly as I will!!!
This time of year is so exciting. I can remember being a little girl and getting to go over to Granny and Grandaddy's house with Brian and Melissa to decorate for Christmas. They are wonderful memories. I think is a great that you are invovling the whole family in this Christmas tradition. It makes it so special. Can't wait to see everybody in a few more days!
I am so glad that there is someone as sappy about Christmas as I am! I usually have our house decorated before Thanksgiving, but felt like I would be a dork to do that this year (with Thanksgiving being a week earlier). Looks like I should have anyway! :)
You have inspired me to get in gear and decorate my house. Maybe this weekend. Glad to find you on here!
You are such a good mommy! Just look how happy those children are! I'm looking forward to being with you all this Christmas; I miss my Wakefileds!
Can't wait for this weekend--I'll see your decorations in person, too!
Love ya,
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